Senior housing is experiencing a speedy recovery

Looking back at 2021, Moody’s Analytics Reis data shows that the performance of all major commercial real estate sectors were on the rise. The multifamily housing sector posted record-breaking rent growth for the year. The office and retail sectors appeared to be evolving, given changes in the appetites for these properties. The industrial sector, which […]

International Investments: France

As arguably the U.S.’s oldest ally, France continues to find America to be an intriguing market for commercial real estate investments. Investors from France spent a total of $765 million on U.S. properties from third-quarter 2020 through second-quarter 2021. This amount may seem subdued, but it equates to a jump of 60% by French investors […]

The post-pandemic office is ripe for change

You may not realize it, but a number of “great” movements have impacted the workplace during the past year of the pandemic. There is the “Great Resignation,” in which each month we see millions of people unexpectedly quit their jobs. There is the “Great Disconnect,” which speaks to the chasm of attitude and communication between […]

Hitting the Jackpot

The cannabis industry offers risks and rewards for commercial real estate stakeholders