Residential Magazine


This single trait separates the companies that succeed from the ones that sink

By Kirk Redding

In the fast-paced mortgage industry, it’s impossible to predict or control every change in interest rates or market conditions. What you do have power over is your leadership style. One principle stands as a beacon of success amid the turbulence — consistent leadership.

Consistency in leadership is often the key factor that distinguishes successful companies from those that struggle to stay afloat. But what does that mean? It’s about more than just doing big things every now and then or reacting quickly when things go wrong.

Consistent leadership means having a clear way of doing things that doesn’t change much. It’s like having a routine that everyone can rely on.

This kind of consistency helps team members and clients feel confident and trust the company. When leaders stick to their values and ways of working, it builds strong relationships with both their team and their clients. It’s this steady and reliable leadership that makes successful mortgage companies stand out and keeps them growing strong over time.

Fostering trust

To illustrate the significance of consistent leadership, let’s examine two mortgage companies: Company A and Company B. Company A is an example of consistent leadership. Company B is an example of inconsistency.

Company A’s leadership team has a clearly defined vision for the company’s future. They communicate this vision effectively to all employees, ensuring everyone understands the company’s goals and objectives. Company A has well-established processes and procedures that remain consistent over time. Whether it’s how they handle client interactions, manage projects or make decisions, there’s a clear framework in place on which employees can rely.

Employees at Company A know what to expect because of the consistency in leadership. They feel secure in their roles and understand how their contributions align with the company’s overall strategy. Consistent leadership fosters trust among team members and clients. Employees trust their leaders to provide guidance and support, while clients appreciate the reliability and predictability of working with Company A.

Company B lacks direction. Company B’s leadership team frequently changes strategies or priorities, leading to confusion among employees. Without a clear direction, employees struggle to understand their roles and responsibilities.

Inconsistent leadership results in unclear processes and procedures. Employees may not know the best way to approach tasks or handle client interactions, leading to inefficiency and frustration. The lack of consistency creates a sense of instability within the organization. Employees may feel anxious about their job security or uncertain about the company’s future, impacting morale and productivity.

Clients may become frustrated with the inconsistency in service delivery from Company B. They may question the company’s reliability, leading to a loss of trust and potential defection to competitors.

Crucial stability

Mortgage originators are no strangers to navigating a landscape filled with inconsistencies, which can often lead to challenges and frustrations along the way. From fluctuating market conditions to evolving regulations and varying client needs, originators must adapt to a multitude of changes daily.

Amid this complexity, consistent leadership from their organization provides much-needed stability and support. When loan officers encounter a consistent approach from their company, it not only streamlines their workflow, but also alleviates stress and uncertainty. By fostering an environment of reliability and clear communication, companies can empower their loan officers to focus on what they do best: serving their clients and driving success in the mortgage industry.

Originators also understand the importance of consistency in their approach to thrive amid the fierce competition in the industry. In a field where every client interaction matters, originators must uphold consistent standards of professionalism, communication, and service delivery.

Therefore, just as companies benefit from consistent leadership, originators benefit from adhering to consistent practices in their day-to-day operations. Here is how:

  • Upholding consistent standards of professionalism.
  • Maintaining reliable and predictable communication.
  • Differentiating themselves from competitors.
  • Building trust with clients through consistent service delivery.
  • Establishing a reputation for reliability and expertise.

Predictable actions

Keeping your team informed and engaged fosters transparency and trust. For instance, regular updates on market trends help everyone stay aligned with industry shifts. Sharing updates on company goals ensures that everyone understands the organization’s direction and can contribute meaningfully.

Providing feedback and support creates a culture of growth and development, where team members feel valued and supported in their roles. Consistency is crucial for predictability in actions and decisions instills confidence. For example, consistently adhering to ethical standards, such as fair lending practices, builds trust with both clients and colleagues.

Following through on commitments, such as meeting deadlines or delivering promised services, demonstrates reliability and professionalism. Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of challenges sets a tone of resilience and determination, inspiring others to approach obstacles with optimism and determination.

This consistency manifests in various ways, from maintaining regular communication with clients throughout the loan process to consistently providing accurate and timely information. Ultimately, it’s this commitment to reliability and dependability that sets successful loan officers apart and contributes to their long-term success in the industry.

Efficient processes

As a mortgage broker, you work with many wholesale lenders. When these lenders have their own inconsistencies, it can be tough to keep your own operations consistent. How do you make sure things stay consistent, even when the outside world isn’t?

The answer lies in building a strong team that can create consistent processes for your internal operations. By having efficient processes in place, you can maintain consistency even when things outside your control are changing.

Consider technology as a vital component of your operations. With numerous options available, ranging from loan origination systems to point-of-sale systems, selecting the appropriate tools and setting them up correctly enables you to consistently provide an excellent experience for your loan officers, processors and clients.

In short, consistency in your operations comes down to having clear processes and using technology to make things run smoothly. With the right approach, you can ensure a consistent experience for everyone involved, no matter what’s happening externally.

Strategic imperative

In organizations, consistent leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping the prevailing culture. When leaders demonstrate consistency in their values, priorities and decision-making processes, it establishes a framework that guides employees’ daily actions and interactions within the company.

Prioritizing transparency and open communication consistently fosters a culture of trust and collaboration among team members, contributing to a positive work environment and enhanced productivity. Consistency also plays a crucial role in building and maintaining relationships with clients and partners. By consistently delivering quality service, meeting deadlines and exceeding expectations, you establish a reputation for reliability and dependability that fosters long-term loyalty and trust.

In an industry as competitive and volatile as the mortgage market, consistency is not just a desirable trait — it’s a strategic imperative. It’s what sets apart the leaders who weather the storms and emerge stronger on the other side from those who struggle to stay afloat.

Consistency is fundamental to leadership success, whether in the mortgage industry or in your personal endeavors. You are in control of your own consistency. How will you prioritize consistency to elevate your business and achieve enduring success? ●


  • Kirk Redding

    Kirk Redding is the co-founder of Promise Home Loans, where he brings over 30 years of experience in the mortgage industry to the forefront. With a passion for building teams and guiding loan officers, Redding has established himself as a trusted leader in the field. His dedication to excellence and commitment to helping clients navigate the home financing process have earned him a reputation for reliability and expertise. Reach Redding at (888) 762-7808.

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