First American: Real home prices post record year-over-year jump

The Real House Price Index (RHPI) maintained by First American Financial Corp. rose 32.5% year over year in March, marking the largest annualized jump for this metric since it was established more than 30 years ago. The index tracks home prices and adjusts them for the impacts of income levels and interest rate changes on […]
2022 Top Mortgage Lenders

New contenders and broken records signify banner year
Spotlight: Southwest Region

Rapid growth is occurring in America’s desert lands.
David Howard, National Rental Home Council

Could a controversial trend address housing shortages?
Retail is on the mend and moving to a new equilibrium

Due to e-commerce competition and changing consumer preferences, retail-property assets have faced increasing stress long before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. But while many thought that the onset of pandemic-related restrictions would mark a true beginning of the end for brick-and-mortar retail, this simply has not been the case. E-commerce as a share of all U.S. […]
International Investments: Israel

Despite some recent discontent among members of Congress — much of it surrounding last year’s armed conflict in Gaza — the U.S. and Israel have been longtime allies. The two nations have become prolific business partners since the signing of the Free Trade Agreement in 1985. According to the International Trade Administration, the U.S. imports […]
The much-maligned manufactured home wants more respect

After nearly two decades working with the manufactured-housing industry, Dave Anderson is aware of the disparaging things people say about this sector. The executive director of the National Manufactured Home Owners Association, which advocates for manufactured-home owners, says that the negative attitudes many people have toward manufactured homes and the parks they inhabit are something […]
The Welcome Sign Is Back On

After a tough two-year period, hotels are beginning to find their groove
Avoid Legal Troubles

Be aware that commercial real estate law changes from state to state
Up In The Air

How can commercial mortgages take flight and go digital?